Monday, 9 February 2009

Fall 2007 - Yeah, Yeah - No! Perversities of Pop Cinema

2nd October

It Couldn't Happen Here (Jack Bond, 1987)
presented by Spencer Keralis

16th October

Serge Gainsbourg Double Bill
Histoire de Melodie Nelson (Jean-Christophe Averty, 1971)
Je T'Aime Moi No Plus (Serge Gainsbourg, 1976)
presented by Elizabeth Vincentelli

30th October

Wasted Orient (Kevin Fritz, 2006)
presented by Andrew Ross

13th November

Decoder (Muscha, 1984)
presented by John Mellilo

27th November

A Rave Trilogy:
Weekender (Wiz, 1992)
The White Room (The KLF, 1989)
World in Action: a trip round acid house (1988)
presented by James Brooke-Smith

Spring 2007 - Unseen Albion: banned, censored, and forgotten films from Britain

13th February

Leo the Last (John Boorman, 1970)
presented by James Brooke-Smith

5th March

The Fall (Peter Whitehead, 1969)
presented by Paul Cronin

19th March 2007

Punishment Park (Peter Watkins, 1971)
presented by Andrew Ross

2nd April

Borderline (Kenneth MacPherson, 1930)
presented by Sukhdev Sandhu

16th April

British Sounds (Jean-Luc Godard, 1969)
presented by Richard Brody and Chris Turner